Good News Festivals 0n May 13, 14, &15 – 2011
Exactly a month before the Gospel Meetings, a leaders and volunteers meeting was organised. The 4 little boys on the right are the true underdogs of the whole event. Most of the faces in this picture are natives of this village - Rajulapadu. The village is divided into two communities, the upper caste colony and the not upper caste community. There are nine households and five families are believers. They were all very excited for the forthcoming meetings, each pledged and contributed their shares of lentils, rice and most importantly partook in the laborious preparations.
The land before it was cleaned up and burnt down.
After clearing out the 'pichee chetlu' - crazy trees.. called that way because of the wild nature in which they grow and survive even in the driest seasons.
Putting together a temporary meeting hall and dinning/kitchen.
The poles were fastened by 3 men who toiled the whole day, and in the evening the roof (leaves from the forest) was laid.
After the people arrived on Thurday morning. Hungry children and grownups cooling off under the shelter, outdoors the temperature was a soring 107 F/ 42 C.
We thank God for each meal which tasted so good and was just enough for all the people at the meetings.
First evening, after the heat waves and dry air, the evening cooled off surprisingly and thunders were heard in the sky. The much awaited showers turned up unfortunately that evening over the open air gathering. Another reason to be thankful to the Lord, as the rain ceased in a few minutes and everyone returned to resume the gathering and it ended of as an eventful and very rewarding evening.
Sunday morning the believers walk to the river for baptisms. 14 people were baptized that morning.
Prayer after the baptisms.
Sunday communion service.
The final day of revival meetings.
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